It's a simple system to grip once you've played with a set of apps or devices, and it's an excellent way of finely-tuning a sequence before trying it out on a variety of instruments. So to trigger a synth like Sunrizer which is listening to channel 10, you would need to set the output of your step sequencer (in this instance Little MIDI) to channel 10 also. MIDI uses numbered channels to send its various signals, and in order to trigger a specific instrument you will need to make sure that the channels match up, and this goes for both physical hardware connections and app or wireless connections too. It allows you to sequence MIDI hardware, iOS apps and other iOS devices wirelessly and with all components working together, it's a very advanced system as you can see from the video below.
Caution: Some drivers can be shared between several Midi. Connections: Connect Keyboard or any MIDI Device to your Midi In interface, connect any MIDI Device to your Midi Out interface. For all users Midi Monitor is a powerful tool to exchange Midi Sysex.

Synthetic Bits, the developers of Funkbox, have also developed what is easily one of the simplest and best MIDI controllers for iOS called Little MIDI Machine. For most experienced user, MIDI Monitor will help to solve problem in a Midi configuration. Please use it as a development/testing tool of MIDI. Musicians will find it handy for tracking down confusing MIDI problems, and programmers can use it to test MIDI drivers and applications. And its possible to operate MIDI instrument MIDI message output from Pocket MIDI. MIDI Monitor is an app to display MIDI signals going in and out of your Mac. Its possible to monitor MIDI data from MIDI instrument in real time connecting MIDI instrument to your computer.

Note filter : Monitor only the selected note. Max Console : Open the Max console for being able to see a higher number of events. One such app that makes use of CoreMIDI for wireless control is Funkbox, which can receive and send signals like clock speed, transport and note triggers to and from controllers and drum machines. Pocket MIDI is a simple and intuitive MIDI monitoring tool. Description: The native MIDI Monitor device with some added features : Note vs Value : In Flow mode, display note messages either as note names or numbers.